Friday 25 March 2011

This unit on Walk Cycles has been very useful and I have learnt loads. I started by researching walk cycles, different moods and timings. I have produced 2D walk cycles using Toon Boom, I tried to make a rough perspective walk and realized some of the difficulties involved.
After the 2D we started the 3D walk cycles, this involved tutorials in Maya, this is hard to learn as there is so much to take in at the start, it is something that becomes easier with practice. We also learnt how to model a character and rig it. I really enjoyed the modelling of the character but found the rigging more challenging and need to practice this to improve my skills. Whilst we did this I also produced my 3D walk cycle.
I have really enjoyed this unit and feel I have learnt so much, but also that I still have so much to learn and practice.

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