Tuesday 8 February 2011

Final 2D Walk across Screen

Here is my final animation, I did other attempts but I was most happy with the weight and rotation of this version. So I showed it to Dan and apart for a few amendments we were happy with this. The character has a forthright, angry walk.

Here is my test peices. I find it quite hard to do. I tried looking at my film reseasrch of me walking, but I stuill found it quite a challange.

Here is my first 2D walk cycle. To do this I looked at The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams  and looked at the key frames to get the feel of it.

Below are two videos that I made of walk cycles. I have more examples but they are too large to upload.

Here is a test of using a Maya tutorial to animate a walking ball. I found this quite hard it was all going well intil I had to tween it properly, then it all mseemed to go wrong! I am going to do this tutorial again as I think I now understand where I went wrong and I hope to be able to improve it.


For my final animation I adapted a stick figure. I wanted to keep it simple but needed to show how the hips were moving so I produced a simple ball and stick person(see picture).

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